Monday, February 26, 2007

ICE-RS cycle notes 2007-03-08

ICE-RS cycle 2007-03-08


In the previous cycle an additional ICE-RS pilot user was setup and 2 more have been scheduled for this cycle. Work started on annotations however it did not reach testing due to additional support required by Ron, and the discovery of an issue with Subversion (SVN) properties, resulting in documents being rendered unnecessarily. This current cycle will be focused on the SVN problem, changes for the Python render, annotations, word processor templates, setup improvements and requirements for pilot users.

Predicted work units: 60

Overview of completed tasks

  • Start work on annotations

  • Update python render from EPS feedback

  • setup additional pilot users

    One setup, 2 scheduled

Additional tasks

  • spec'd out changes for the word processor template toolbar

  • developers blog setup

  • Required APA styles mapped onto ICE styles

Outstanding tasks

  • implement code documentation generator

  • Setup ICE server to use OpenID

    Modules installed but the sever is not configured. It also doesn't appear to work with Subversion.

Overview of new tasks



  • Scope requirements to integrate with RAMP

  • Setup 2 additional pilot users

  • Setup ICE sever to authenticate with the RUBRIC LDAP (this is instead of using OpenID)

  • Investigate issues en-counted with using native word processor drawings


  • Re-rendering issue (svn 1.4 property update issue)

  • Implement basic file/directory annotations

  • Python render improvements from USQ EPS testing

  • Improvements to ICE configuration area

  • Update the default ICE site file to be more multi-purpose


  • Begin work on the Word template usability improvements (see specification)

  • Establish the additional styles required for the APA template

  • Modify and create ICE styles required for the APA template

Feedback items

The following items have resulted from feedback provided over the previous cycle, tickets are to be written and scheduled.

  • The ICE config area is to be modified to improve usability

    • update terms used

    • quick setup only requires the path to the subversion repository

  • ICE user guide Check if it's still applicable as the feedback was provided while the user guide was being updated.

  • Modify the ICE file manager so that it:

    • Open files it knows using the operating systems default editor

    • Open the directory if it doesn't know the file type

About the cycle notes

The cycle notes are used to summarize the outcomes of the completed cycle and provide stakeholders with an overview of the tasks for the next cycle. They are also used to raise any issues for discussion and provide other information for those who are unable to attend the meetings. Specific information on tasks to be completed are available in the ticketing system, see below.

More information

View archived cycle notes

Modified: Feb 26, 2007

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Have your ICE repository hosted using Google Project hosting

Have your ICE repository hosted using Google Project hosting

I'll start by introducing myself, my name is Daniel de Byl I have been the project officer for ICE at the University of Southern Queensland for the past 1 ½ years. It should be obvious if you are reading this that I have just setup a blog for the ICE developers using Googles blogger. However, my first post is not going to be about the blog but rather that you can use the recently released Google code project hosting as an ICE repository.

Thanks to Peter, as he mentioned the release of Google Project Hosting late on Friday afternoon, after a few clicks and a little brain strain about what to call the project we setup ice-sandbox. At the time we couldn't browse or checkout the content but that was either because we were using a proxy as it worked from home or there was another problem going by the discussion forum.

There's only the small issue of storage space as it is 100mb (which is odd considering email storage is Gbs), and your content is publicly accessible. The storage space is a little concerning as you can't technically delete content from a subversion repository, so what happens when you exceed it.

Setup an ICE repository on Google

So how do you setup a Google project repository for use with ICE? Here are a few steps.

Step 1: Setup a Google project

  • log into Google and goto (if you need a gmail account let me know)

  • create a project

  • checkout out your project using Subversion (Mac users use svn 1.3), for example

    svn co your-project

Step 2: Add ICE site files

In your project directory add the .site, .skin and templates folders from the ICE sample content folder by:

cd your-project svn export content

Step 3: Configure ICE

  • Start ICE and goto http://localhost:8000/edit-config

  • Click add and enter the following:

    Name: Your-Project

    Path: (directory location of your-project)


  • click save and restart the ICE server

  • then goto http://localhost:8000 (switch repositories if you have multiple)